Why train your dog?

Why train your dog?

Every day, your dog is learning, with each interaction, you are training them, whether you intend to or not.  The simplest way of explaining what training is, is that training = teaching.  Regardless of your intentions, your pets are learning from you and your...
What’s In Your Dog’s Bowl?

What’s In Your Dog’s Bowl?

Lots of times new year resolutions bring plans of dieting, but have you considered your dog’s diet? Often our dog’s eating habits aren’t a top priority, or many people just don’t know where to start. There are so many options and resources nowadays so we’ve compiled...
Holiday Travel with Your Dog

Holiday Travel with Your Dog

Traveling can be stressful but bringing along your dog doesn’t have to be. Try these tips to help ease the stress for you and your dog.   If traveling by plane you’ll want to check with your airline to see what their requirements are. Don’t wait until it’s time...