Why train your dog?

Why train your dog?

Every day, your dog is learning, with each interaction, you are training them, whether you intend to or not.  The simplest way of explaining what training is, is that training = teaching.  Regardless of your intentions, your pets are learning from you and your...
4 Tips for your dog this Holiday season

4 Tips for your dog this Holiday season

The holidays are upon us which often means decorations, celebrations, extra deliveries, and visitors. This can be overwhelming for not just us, but the dogs too. Our dogs don’t understand what the holidays are, but they can pick up when we are stressed, which in turn...
What is puppy socialization?

What is puppy socialization?

Your friends and veterinarian have probably told you the importance of puppy socialization. The reason dog experts promote early socialization is because a lack of good experiences in a puppy’s early development can lead to big problems such as aggression toward...