Training a dog isn’t always about using food. Often, dogs are motivated just to play! If you can use play to your advantage, play can be a huge reinforcer for dogs and a very effective way to train and maintain obedience and manners.

In this video, I am using a tennis ball to reinforce Bali, a french bulldog, every time she makes contact with the place and settles (doesn’t move around to much) for even a few seconds. Since she is new at this command, I am not requiring she do a sit, or a stand, or a down. I am just requiring she hit he platform before I release her to chase the ball.

I narrate in the video the important of not allowing your dog to “self reinforce” while training with a ball or a toy.

Happy training!




Need help with your dog or puppy? We are South Florida’s favorite reward based dog training bootcamp program. Our board and train, and day-train program is like no other in South Florida. Feel free to come by our 10,000 sq foot, indoor, air conditioned, dog training facility in Miami. 786-529-7833 We love helping our clients succeed, even when they don’t have the time to train their own dog!

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