Daycare+Training / Boarding+Training FAQ

We understand that your dog is very important to you. He is also very important to us! Below are some FAQs that may answer the questions you  have about leaving your dog at our Canine Training Center for a board and train or training day camp program.  If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 786-529-7833 or send us an email at


This is my first time boarding my dog with a training facility. What should I expect?

We always recommend that if your dog has never been boarded with us before, or boarded anywhere for that mater, that you take some time to let him get to know our facility before his stay. Come in for a group class, a private lesson, or ideally a few days of daycare before your trip. It’s important to us that your dog is familiar with our canine training center and feels safe in our environment. There is no denying that despite any facility’s best efforts and excellent care that it can be stressful for your dog to be without you, especially if he’s in a completely new environment. We really do encourage you and your dog come visit a few times before starting a board and train program.


Do you offer a discount for long-term or frequent boarding & training? How about for more than one dog?

All of our programs are designed so that we offer a discount for every increment of “five.” When you pre-purchase five days of training you receive a 10% discount, 10 days receives a 15% discount, 15 days receives an 18% discount and 20+ days receives a 20% discount. So when you are boarding & training two dogs with the higher discounts do apply. If you have a few trips coming up, consider pre-paying for both stays up front so that you can take advantage of the discounts available.


What are your rates for boarding and training? 

In order to give you an accurate quote for a board and train program we would need to know the exact dates of your dog’s stay. Yet, here’s a quick ballpark estimate of how much a typical board and train or camp program might cost:

Day Camp Programs: $300 one week training program, $500 Two week training program.

Board and Train Programs: $1600 for a 2-week training program. Shorter programs are available yet two to four weeks is recommend.


Will my dogs be placed in the same area as other dogs? Separated?

Here at the AYP canine training center we have a dedicated play room in addition to our training arena. When your dog is not on the training floor for his lesson he will be in the playroom playing with no more than three other dogs. Depending on your dog’s temperament we select appropriate play mates for playtime. When it’s time to rest your dog will be crated outside of the playroom where he can decompress with a stuffed kong toy or stuffed marrow bone while he’s waiting for his next training session.


Do you provide a pick up and delivery service?

At this time we currently do not provide a pick up and drop off service.


Are you open on holidays?

Although the AYP canine training center may be closed on holidays our boarding facility is always open. This means your dog will not receive training on a holiday, but he will still be able to be boarded safely and securely  during observed holidays.


What are the requirements for boarding and/or day camp training? 

All dogs must be up to date on their Distemper, Parvo, Rabies, and Bordatella vaccines.  All dogs must also have proof of a negative fecal within the last six months and be on flea and tick prevention. We require that all dogs be flea and tick free before starting their board and train program with us. If necessary, we will give the dog a bath on intake for an additional fee. We cannot accept female dogs in heat. We do not accept dogs who are aggressive towards other dogs or people for our day camp or board and train programs. All dogs must be both human and dog friendly to be candidates for board and train programs.


Can I come to your facility to look around before I decide on a boarding/daycamp training program?

You certainly can! You don’t need an appointment as long as you come during regularly administrative hours which are Monday to Friday from 9AM-5PM. If you’d like to tour our facility on a weekend or after administrative hours please make an appointment with us and we’d be happy to show you around.


Do you have a minimum age for boarding/daycamp?

No. We can take puppies as young as eight weeks of age.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered to train at Applause Your Paws?

No. However, dogs that are not spayed and neutered are often limited in which other dogs can be selected as appropriate playmates during playtime. If no suitable playmate is available for your unaltered pet then one of our certified trainers will be that playmate!


Will my dog be dirty/smell when I pick him up?

Because our facility is indoors your dog will not be dirty when you pick him up from camp. We also provide a go home bath service.


My dog requires medication be administered. Can this be accommodated? Do I get charged an extra fee?

Yes. We do have an extra (small) charge to administer your pet’s medication.


Will my dog remember who I am when I pick him up after 2+ weeks?

Of course he will. Your dog will not forget you. And, on the same token, your dog will never forget us after his stay either! Dogs that train with us daily do become  attached to their trainers. Dogs learn to love, and look forward to their daily training sessions with our certified canine trainers.


What is your cancelation policy?

For day camp we require 24hrs notice in order to reschedule your dog’s day of camp. For a board and train program we ask that you advise us as soon as possible if your dog will be be staying with us. If you cannot give the courtesy of canceling your reservation for board and train with at least 24 hours notice then you will be asked to make a payment in full for any future reservations.


Do you provide payment plans?

We definitely can provide split payment or multiple payment options. However, pre-paid program discounts do not apply to payment plans. We can set up a recurring credit card payment as well so that your card can be billed weekly or whatever agreement we come to.


Is your facility indoors? Air-conditioned?

Yes! Yes! It is always sunny and dry here at our 10,000sq foot indoor air-conditioned canine training facility in south miami.  


When and where can I pick up/drop off my dog for training camp?

Camp is at the AYP Canine Training Center located at 4423 SW 74th Avenue, Miami FL 33155. Drop off is from 7AM-9AM Monday through Friday. Dogs can be picked up from their day at training camp between 5:00PM-6:30PM daily.


Should I bring my dogs treats or toys to training camp?

No. We have everything we need here to train, take care of and play with your dog. We don’t want your dog’s toys, leashes and collars to become lost, so we will not accept them when you drop off your dog.


Should I bring my dogs food for boarding and training?

Yes. We will provide our care taking staff with your dog’s food so he can stay on his regularly meal schedule and diet. Your dog’s food can also be used for training throughout the day. Unless your dog is a puppy dog’s receive 2 meals a day. Puppies who need to eat three times a deal will receive their lunch during training time at the canine training center.


Can you send me pictures and/or videos of my dog training?

Although we would love to send everyone pictures and videos of their dogs we simply don’t have time to do this — our priority is accomplishing your training goals. We do post pictures and videos regularly to our Facebook page, instsagram and twitter accounts however. We encourage all of our clients to “like” us on There’s a great chance you’ll see your dog there. Dogs in our care do receive daily report cards so that you know how your dog is progressing.


What happens with boarding and training dog on weekends?

Because our training camp runs Monday-Friday, dogs in boarding and training programs with us spend their weekend in our kennel room and do continue to receive three daily walks and meals as required. Our clients do have the option to add on additional weekend training sessions in order to provide your dog an extended break from the kennel.  Client’s who opt for weekend training have the option of having their dog attend group dog training classes with an instructor.


What is the earliest time we can pick up our dog on the day of pick up?

If you’re picking up on a weekday: If your dog is not receiving camp on the day you are schedule to pick him up then the earliest you can pick up your dog is 9:30AM at our canine training center. Otherwise, you can pick up your dog during pick up hours from 5-6:30PM so that he completes his day of camp and receives his training that day.

If you’re picking up on a weekend: We will schedule a specific time for you to pick up your dog from the AYP Canine Training Center.


Do you require a deposit to hold a spot for my dog in your boarding and training program or doggie day camp programs?

No, we do not require a deposit. We trust in good faith that if you make a reservation for your dog that you will keep that reservation.


Do you guarantee that my dog will be trained?

Although the outcome of any training program is ultimately dependent on owner compliance (what you do AFTER you pick up your dog from us!), we do promise that we will train your dog to the best of our ability. We can guarantee that your dog will have training everyday. We can guarantee that your dog will learn. What we can’t control is what you do with what we’ve “programmed” your dog to do!

This is why it’s so, SO important that once you’ve returned from your trip you take the time that is required for us to teach you how to “drive” your dog. Your dog could have the best training in the world, but if you have no idea what you’re doing your dog will quickly say “what’s the point?” We want to set up your dog for success, then set you up for success too.

It’s extremely important to us that you continue your dog’s education past his board and train program. With every two week board and train program you will have access to a month of unlimited group classes in order to learn to “drive” your well programmed dog. You will also have a 1-hr complimentary in-facility session with your dog’s trainer so that you know how to maintain all the hard work we’ve put in while you were away.

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