Applause Your Paws started in 2006 as one woman’s dream to combine her skills in business with her passion for dogs. After working out of her apartment, driving to people’s houses, and hosting group classes in the middle of a parking lot, Dee Hoult hired a small staff and opened up her own facility. As the years have continued, her small facility was then able to expand to two additional buildings to support a boarding and daycare service. 

True to fashion and passion, Applause Your Paws is undergoing another upgrade to help service it’s loyal and happy customers to the fullest. After an anticipated wait and bated breath, we’re finally installing our brand new luxury kennel system so that our furry clients are even happier and more relaxed when they stay with us. We can only hope that you’re just as excited as we are! 

Stay tuned with us on social media to see the entire renovation process and enjoy watching our transformation as we make AYP even better than it was before. We cannot wait to see our clients, new and old, on May 7th. 

dog love

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