Here at our board and train program we work with every type of dog. From Great Danes who need to learn to not pull on the leash, to Chihuahua’s who need to learn to trust new people.

In this particular case, we had a senior Chihuahua who had lived the majority of his life snapping at people and afraid of new circumstances. He came to the facility for 5 days, didn’t want to take treats and had to be taken out of his cage with a towel. I learned that he loved cheese and used this to gain his trust. I would take him on walks and give him cheese for approaching me. Within two days, he learned to come out of his crate to me. I was able to pet him and pick him up. After the next couple of days he was coming when I called him and let other people approach and pet him. With an hour of training every day and constant socialization throughout the week, this scared senior Chihuahua was able to make a complete turn around.

Our board and train program is designed specifically for your dog and their needs. Whether your dog has issues with listening, barking, socialization, or more, we are able to accommodate each and every individual.

We’re not only qualified and able to work with every dog, but we LOVE each and every single dog we get the opportunity to work with. That’s why it works! We love what we do and that reflects on the dogs that we train.


-Amber Oliver, CTDI

dog love

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