Our Guarantee


As a business we believe in open and honest communication with our customers and prospective clients alike. With that in mind, we’ll never tell you that our dog training is guaranteed. If a dog trainer (any dog trainer, not just us) guarantees results, that would immediately be a red flag to me as a dog owner. After all, our dogs aren’t robots so we can’t 100% guarantee they will, or won’t, behave a certain way.

Here’s what we can guarantee you, our human customer.


Our Promise to You


To treat you well

To treat you, our customer, with respect, professionalism, honesty, integrity, respect and joy.


To honor your needs & preferences

To listen to your training goals and recommend what we feel the best training program is for you in the best interest of your time, budget and needs.

To keep up to date

Our training team is committed to continuing education so that we remain in the know about science based dog training, so that we can stay top of our field for your dog’s benefit 

To be available to you

We’re available to speak with you at any time about any concerns or questions you have about your dog’s training program.


To listen to you

If you’re not happy with your training program, talk to us so we can help you. We don’t know how to fix something we’re not aware of. 


To credit you

We always offer credit for our services. If ultimately you have a boarding stay, training program, or a class scheduled with us but your plans change… any monies you paid to us will remain as a credit on your account with us, indefinitely. You can use that credit for any of our services down the line.

Our terms of service


Private Lessons:

Payment is due upfront for all private lessons in order to reserve your date and time.

Day School:

Payment in full for all scheduled day school lessons is due at the time the reservation is made.

Board and Train:

We require a 10% deposit on all board+train programs. Payment in full is due when your dog is dropped off. Should you extend your dog’s stay, your invoice will be adjusted accordingly, and the balance settled on pick up.

Payment Terms:

Checks can be made payable to Applause Your Paws. Cash is okay. AYP accepts all major credit cards.

Terms of Agreement:

I, the dog owner, agree that should I need to reschedule a scheduled training session I will provide at least 24 hours notice to Applause Your Paws otherwise I am forfeiting my prepaid lesson.

If at any point during training I wish to discontinue service, I will be refunded for services not yet rendered and charged only for services rendered at Applause Your Paws’ rate for single sessions. Credit card processing fees will also be automatically deducted from the refund total.

Alternatively, any credit can be fully gifted to a family or friend, donated to training services for rescue dogs with Magic City K9, left on your account for later use, or used towards retail items.

let's get training!

We're ready to get to work so you can have the best family pet around. 

Plus, we'll make sure it remains fun throughout the process. Whether you're in Miami, Broward County or Georgia, we have trainers to help your dog be the BEST dog for your life. 

Get in touch to get started!

786-529-RUFF (7833)

dog love

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